Even if the concept of “giving back to the community” or “charity” (or whatever you want to call it) is not new – in fact, it’s as old as the known history, as every culture or religion known to man has a similar concept – in the modern age and especially in the last years it has gained more signification than ever.
I am dedicated to giving not only money, but also my time, each year, to support several causes, and I also try to make it as a recurrent contribution, so that the effects are compounded over time.

Floreasca Hospital
I donated to the Endoscopy Unit of Floreasca Hospital because I was impressed with the
team, especially with professor Constantinescu. They are professional, working tirelessly, and the most
remarkable thing I saw is that they treat everybody the same. It doesn’t matter if you’re young, old, from the
countryside or a well-established person, they give their best to assist everybody, trying to serve and help
as many people as possible. Even though it is a public wing of a state hospital, they work like a private one.

Cantacuzino Institute
During the COVID-19 pandemic, in order to sustain the activity for the Cantacuzino
Institute, I donated financially in order to support acquiring medical equipment that benefits the Viral
Respiratory Invections’ Laboratory.

Taxi Gratis Association
In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, I decided to make a donation and support
“Asociatia Taxi Gratis” because it is an example that each of us has the power to bring a change for the
better in society, we can help those in difficulty. Alex Bobes developed this project with his own resources,
transporting doctors and medical staff free of charge between home and hospital, in increased safety

NF Romania
Neurofibromatosis is a genetic disorder that disrupts the growth of cells in the
nervous system, causing tumours to form on nerve tissue.
The Association of Hope and Support for Neurofibromatosis Patients comes to the aid of patients with this
genetic disease with doctor’s recommendations, donations, up-to-the-minute information for this disease, and
moral support.

P.A.V.E.L. Association
I supported the publishing of the “Portrete” magazine. It’s a collaboration between the
P.A.V.E.L. Association, the Oncological Institute of Bucharest, and the Fundeni Clinical Institute. It offers
a glimpse into the harsh life of children that suffer from cancers, leukaemia, and severe anaemias. The
magazine supports social and institutional cohesion and the rights of paediatric cancer patients, and promotes
social responsibility and empathy. It also promotes programs of school continuation for the children that
unfortunately cannot join their colleagues in the classrooms.

Christmas Letters Initiative
Every year I dedicate myself to supporting the needs of several challenged families.
With the help of an NGO, I receive “Christmas letters” from the kids, and it’s my joy to fulfill their wishes.
It’s a great feeling to know that I can bring a smile to these kids and to enjoy the wonderful time of
Christmas! “

Children at the Oncological Institute
I took over some of the needs packages of children hospitalized at the Oncological
Institute in Bucharest, as follows:
– we have provided financial support to children with oncological diagnosis, in palliation, for individualized
and innovative treatments abroad (Italy, Germany),
– I bought for them chemotherapy rooms, eye prostheses for children with eye discharges following
retinoblastomas, orthopedic prostheses for those with osteosarcomas,
– I fully equipped and offered backpacks to the patient students, enrolled in the Hospital School at IOB,
– we offered new household appliances to families who have a child with a cancer diagnosis,
– I financially supported families with children with children,
– I have supported and continue to support financially (since 2015), the publication of the magazine
Portraits, which publishes the literary creations of children hospitalized in Pediatric Oncology, a magazine
distributed free of charge.

Medical Appointments
I was able to help a family that had problems with their only son’s congenital hearing loss. I provided them
support, not only by contributing to the buying of the cochlear implant but also with accommodation and
transport or medical and imaging appointments.
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